Me & My Katamari are sad

Before leaving for the airport to San Francisco this morning I dropped by the EB Games near the office like I said I would. They weren’t expecting to get Oblivion in until after 3:00 PM today, so that was a downer. Then I found out that I should have paid more attention to release dates because I was jumping the gun on Me & My Katamari as well. I gets released today, meaning it ships today and the stores won’t see it until tomorrow at least. So instead of having something to do on the flight that I was looking forward to, I just napped and read some things I needed to read for the event I am here for. There is a little bit of extra time tomorrow before I get back on a plane to Seattle, so I hope I can find a game store convenient enough to pick up at least Me & My Katamari for the flight back.

Off to get some food and then that showcase event tonight. I’ll try to update later tonight.