Delicious Links for Mar 19, 2009

Delicious Links for Mar 19, 2009

ITT: Tower Defense Love-In – NeoGAF
Even though I had read about ‘tower defense’ games and I had meant to play Desktop Tower Defense but I never did. When Final Fantasy: Crystal Defenders came out on consoles last week I gave it a trial run with the demo. I was instantly hooked, it’s all relatively simple, but the whole “how far can you get” part is diabolically addicting.
(tags: videogames tower+defense flash+games web+games gaf neogaf)

Supermandolini – Console Wars Veteran IV
Four of the four made so far. Sega Genesis controller.
(tags: videogames nintendo retro fashion pin mdeal console+wars)

Supermandolini – Console Wars Veteran III
Third in a series of four so far. This one is of the Super Nintendo controller.
(tags: videogames nintendo retro fashion pin mdeal console+wars)

Supermandolini – Console Wars Veteran II
Second in a series of four, so far at least. This one is of a PlayStation controller.
(tags: videogames nintendo retro fashion pin mdeal console+wars)

Supermandolini – Console Wars Veteran I
One of currently four pin designs that “commemorates” the console wars. This one is of a NES controller. I kind of want just because it’s so amusing, although they have to be shipped from Greece.
(tags: videogames nintendo retro fashion pin mdeal console+wars)